Friday, July 31, 2015

Faith in Humanity

In recent years, I have lost plenty of faith in humanity, but the past few days, has shown me that there are still beautiful people in this world.  So many hearts have been hardened, and yet some souls still have the ability to restore hope within me. 

I read a story today of a housekeeper that took time out of her day to shower a precious little girl with souvenirs from a city they were visiting.  That reminded me of my experience when I had my first son.  My daughter was not even 2 when he was born, and bringing him into this world was  traumatic to say the least.  I'd planned to have a normal delivery, but it took a drastic turn for the worst when he got stuck.  I was rushed to emergency surgery.  Of course when I say rushed, I mean an hour later after all meds had worn off, and I'd found myself in the seventh circle of hell on the pain scale.  After all was said and done, I had a beautiful baby that I didn't even get to see.  He was rushed off to the NICU, while I was taken to recovery.  The hormonal embalances began, and the next few days just continued on the downward spiral.  From severe hot flashes to an allergic reaction to the medicine, I was in misery.  A few days after being released from the hospital, I began having severe chest pains.  I was readmitted to the hospital, and my newborn son sent to stay with my parents.  Postpartem depression set in, and I sank lower and lower with each passing minute. 

His dad was at home taking care of our toddler. My sister was due with her son any day and couldn't visit, and the rest of the family were all back to their everyday lives of work and such.  I sat in a hospital room, uncomfortable from the surgery, hooked up to every monitor known to man, in the middle of winter, alone.  Everyday this sweet little lady would come in to clean my room and talk to me.  I couldn't manage to shut off the water works, so she would come each afternoon after her shift to sit with me. We would talk for hours.  In the 2 weeks I was there she would bring me candy bars and sodas and make me feel like family.  I've never been so thankful for someone in my life.  She took time out of her day to devote to me. She didn't have to, but she did  it anyways. 

These random acts of kindness happen all the time, and yet in this evil world we're blinded to them.  Just last night I was having a bad day.  To be quite frank, I've had a rough week.  My sitter accidentally wrecked my only vehicle.  My ex's wife couldn't keep quiet at the hospital while we had our son checked out, causing a huge scene. When I'd finally had enough of the disrespect, I kicked them all out of the room. By the time friday rolled around, I needed a drink. I needed a friend to give me a hug and tell me it was going to be ok. That friend arrived with perfect timing,  a case of beer and an awesome sense of humor to help me reboot.

It's people like these, that give me hope for humanity. It isn't dead. It's just hard to see sometimes. If you can't find a good person in the world,  be one. I'm grateful for these individuals. They are the light in a dark place. They are the ones that make this world bearable when all hope seems lost.

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