Thursday, July 9, 2015

My southern opinion. ..

Life has a funny way of teaching us things we could never learn in school. I'm convinced elementary school should have a class to teach children how to express their emotions. Middle school should teach how to communicate with the opposite sex,  and high school should have an entire year devoted to responsibility. The education system gives knowledge that by far is wonderful,  but I can't tell you one thing I learned in algebra other than we couldn't find x and nobody knew y. Chemistry was not the same chemistry I learned through life's lessons. Had we learned that in school,  a lot of people wouldn't have spent years in a bad marriage, because they couldn't recognize the chemistry that matched their own.

I'm southern. Southern women have plenty of opinions, and yes,  i plan to share mine. We should be teaching our children to balance a check book, save for a rainy day,  flirt without being disrespectful, date without getting pregnant,  and the good Lord knows we should be teaching what having children too young will do to your life. I adore my children, but I am immensely grateful to my parents for instilling enough values in me to not procreate before I was 20. Too many kids are having kids and growing up together or not at all. I tell my children daily, "you don't know who you are before your 25. Some people haven't figured that out by 30, and those who say they don't at 40 are simply refusing to accept reality." 

Kids these days need to know how to drink responsibly, dress appropriately and speak a proper dialect and their minds without being rude. They should know that a good buzz is enjoyable,  but getting shit faced is not only tacky but miserable,  for the individual experiencing it  and also those around them.  Dressing to impress is great,  but letting it all hang out just shows your easy and leaves little to imagination. No you're not asking for anything other than the wrong kind of attention,  but no decent gentleman wants to take home the girl who appears to have seen more shaft than an elevator home to momma. Tuck in your ninnies, wear shorts longer than your pockets and crack,  and makeup should reflect the natural you. I shouldn't even have to explain how to speak properly. If I have to,  you don't know how and should learn.

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