Saturday, October 10, 2015

Beauty is only skin deep

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone, he said.  My heart sank into my shoes the day those words made sense.  He was right.  A pretty face is just that, just a face.  A perfect body is only the product of the work you put into it, but the heart is what makes a person beautiful.  The most gorgeous person can become hideous with one slip of the tongue.  Yet on the other hand, an exquisite personality can make the least attractive a beautiful soul.

The guilt that gossip brings from judging a person's inward beauty on their outward appearance does not escape me.  I wonder,  how did that person get to where they are? Why do they feel ashamed? Why do we look at them in disgust?  I am not talking about the woman that sat on her couch for so long that her skin fused to the sofa.  That is filth and laziness. I'm referring to the woman with the dimples up the back of her legs, the stretch marks around her abdomen and thighs, and the laugh lines around her eyes.  

I am no stranger to any of these "flaws" as we all call them.  I've come to the conclusion they are not flaws at all, but a story to be told.  My body isn't perfect, but it's my skin, and I'm going to be in it for a while.  So, I got very comfortable with it.  I wear the swim suit at the beach.  I've heard some awesome comments.  My own daughter looked at me in disgust when I wore a 2 piece... until I explained what real beauty was.  

Those dimples are a gentle reminder that we enjoy the simple things in life.  I love salad, but I also love brownies.  My momma pouch shows that I would rather cuddle with my babies on the couch than go to the gym.  Those laugh lines mean I have a sense of humor.  Why is that a thing to be ashamed of? There is no shame for me anymore.  The streaks of gray that filter through my hair are like badges of honor to me. The map of Asia around my belly button, that has a hernia in it, is the road map that brought my 4 children into this world.  Those little lines on my forehead and around my eyes were created with character.  I will not belittle the magic therein.  

Time has kissed my sweet cheeks, both sets, and this doesn't bother me at all.  The skin that once had such elasticity is now beginning to melt. The skin that once carried a golden bronze is now practically see through and pasty. And I'm ok with it.  I'm good with it, because I know where my heart is.

Please don't let me discourage anyone who wants to better their outward appearance. But please, do it for you.  Do it because you want to be more fit to keep up with your babies.  Do it for your reasons, not those of others.

I tell my daughter daily that the most beautiful thing a girl can wear is a good attitude.  Love yourself and those around you.  That sparkle will shine brighter than any imperfection in your body. The light of your soul should burn with such passion that no matter what size, shape, color, or fashion could ever attempt to dull it.  Believe that you are not just beautiful. You're dazzling, magnificent, divine, alluring, fascinating, enticing, exquisite.  Don't just say it, believe it.  We are all attractive.  Our bodies are the story of our lives.  Don't ever be ashamed of that, because after all, beauty is only skin deep. Develop a pure heart with love so deep it outshines the sun.  Create the magic around you.  Be daring, be bold, but you.  You are perfect.  

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