Friday, December 4, 2015


I got a great laugh this week, and I absolutely had to share.  I was called a hypocrite for the way I love my children.  It was explained that I claim to love my children unconditionally, yet I get frustrated occasionally with them. The exact incident was when my daughter told me she wouldn't care if I got killed in a car accident, and the thought of leaving her on the side of the road was a thought.  It wasn't one I'd ever act on, but it flashed through my mind,

Now, let me be clear.  I would never leave my child anywhere, much less in traffic to fend for themselves.  The words she was saying were so hurtful, my gut instinct was to stop the pain by any means necessary.  Did I do it? No.  Why? Because I love her. When we arrived home, did I feed her the same meal as everyone else? Yes, I did.  Did I give her dessert afterwards just like everyone else? Yes, I did.  Why? Because I love her.  Because I do not want her to ever think she is less my daughter than the other 3 children I have.  No matter what she says or does, she will always be my daughter.  I will always love her, and I will never treat her differently.

That said, you line up 100 mothers and ask each of them if they've ever flipped their lid, had a parental temper tantrum, said some things they don't mean, even considered leaving their child on the side of the road, and I promise you 99% of the women standing there would have to admit they had.  The other 1% clearly doesn't spend enough time with their children.  Someone else is raising them, because children will push you to the brink of insanity.  They will crush your spirit by calling you fat, break your heart by telling you you're mean, and they will drown your dreams by letting you know you're too old.

I am not a hypocrite for venting my frustration any more than I am for being honest.  This world has enough fluff.  There is enough political correctness.  I don't know how to sugar coat things, and I refuse to be put down because I am open.  I am real.  What you see is what you get. I won't apologize for that.  There isn't anything wrong with being honest.  I have never hurt my children, despite the accusations that have been made.  I may lose my temper, but what parent hasn't?

We've all heard the phrase parenting doesn't come with a manual. It's true.  Children aren't born with instructions.  When I had the first of my 4, I had never really been around kids, certainly not a newborn.  I was lost.  I had no idea what I was doing, but I did the best I could.  I've made my fair share of mistakes. That's no secret.  We all have.  I've lost my patience, temper, composure, etc  As shameful as it is, there was a time when I was at the end of my proverbial rope, and I lost it.  The good Lord was paying attention, because as soon as I started yelling that stuffed animal suddenly appeared in my path, and low and behold, I came crashing to the ground.  It was a great humbling experience.  There was no yelling to be had after that.  We were all too busy laughing at mom busting the floor.

We're parents.  Yes, there are those super moms out there that feed their kids all organic foods and craft every week, but then there are the normal moms like me.  We make the mac n cheese with the powdered sauce, send lunchables to school when we are running late, and put our faith in our children that they brushed their teeth.  That isn't everyday, but there's nothing wrong with it. We slip.  We stumble. We fail, but we give it all we've got. There are no right and wrong answers.  I love my children, and I will not justify my parenting actions in an effort to prove that to the world. I am a mother, with a heart full of love for my tiny humans. I'm not perfect, but what's important is that they know they are loved.

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