Sunday, December 6, 2015

Comparison isn't fair

We went to church this evening, and I felt compelled to share. I was raised on a church pew.  Sometimes it felt as if we went to service 12 times a week and 3 times on Sunday.  I've slacked off the past few years.  It's been very difficult for me to find my faith again. When I discovered Life Church in Collierville, I immediately loved it.  Going to the young adults service in East Memphis, has been nothing short of a movement. For the first time in years, I've felt at home.

So many times we go to service, and the message goes in one ear and out the other.  Then there are messages like this evening's that shake you to the core.  It was as if every single word was spoken directly to me, and  I needed to hear every single one of them.

Pastor Jason was in from the Arkansas campus, and he spoke about comparison.  At the beginning of his message he said,  "I get most of my encouragement from other people's failures, and I get my greatest insecurities from other peoples successes."  How true is that in all of our lives? One of my worst traits is that I compare myself to others.  We all do.   We compare ourselves to everyone around us, and to be frank, it either brings us up or shoots us down.  To sum it up,  Comparison is not fair, a waist of time, and counter productive. It either makes you greater or lesser.  

My entire life I've been comparing myself to those around me, but when he said You have to accept what God gave you, it was moving.  It finally made sense.  We aren't all built the same.  We aren't all the same height, weight, body type, level of maturity, brains, or beauty.  He was right!  I have to accept that I am different, and that's what makes me great! I have strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and talents all different than everyone I know.  These are all the things I need to embrace about myself.  The good Lord didn't give me the brains to be a rocket scientist, but He gave me the personality to work with people.  That may mean I'll be in customer service or sales the rest of my life.  You know what? That's ok with me. I love people! As frustrating as they are, if you threw me in a cubicle away from everyone, I would go insane.  I couldn't do it.  I wasn't born with a smooth personality. I'm abrasive, and weird, and quirky. Again, totally good with it,  I don't have the fanciest house.  I don't even own a car at the moment, and 4 years post divorce, still not able to talk about a serious relationship without cringing. (Yes, I am in a relationship.  The moment marriage comes up, I have to change the subject.) You know what I was given? A house, with grass and trees, and I am so incredibly thankful.  I was given a wonderful man, who isn't perfect.  He's the first person I've ever argued with, and I'm grateful for that. For the first time in my life, someone is worth the fight.  I should show him more how much I care.  He lets me drive his car...even after I jacked the muffler, and someone tried to run me off the road.  He isn't perfect, like I said.  There are days when I want to strangle him, but I don't, because I'd miss him, and we have way too much fun.  I can honestly say that life has thrown me so many events, that I've never understood.  I've grown so bitter from the experience, but tonight I finally accepted, it is what it is.  Things happen that shouldn't have, but they did none the less.  There's nothing I can do to change any of them.  Each one has lead me to where I am today, to the person I am today.  I don't believe any of it was a mistake.

He said "We need to celebrate the success of others." That's hard for me too.  I see so many people that seem to have it so easy.  My goodness, it's like nothing in their life ever goes wrong! It's so frustrating, but then tonight as Pastor Jason spoke, I realized, if I stop looking at what I don't have, I will see that they are blessed, but so am I.  For all the things that I mentioned before and a million more, I am blessed.   I don't have the fanciest house.  I don't even own a car at the moment, and 4 years post divorce, still not able to talk about a serious relationship without cringing. (Yes, I am in a relationship.  The moment marriage comes up, I have to change the subject.) You know what I was given? A house, with grass and trees, and I am so incredibly thankful.  I was given a wonderful man, who isn't perfect.  He's the first person I've ever argued with, and I'm grateful for that. For the first time in my life, someone is worth the fight.  I should show him more how much I care.  He lets me drive his car...even after I jacked the muffler, and someone tried to run me off the road.  He isn't perfect, like I said.  There are days when I want to strangle him, but I don't, because I'd miss him, and we have way too much fun.  I can honestly say that life has thrown me so many events, that I've never understood.  I've grown so bitter from the experience, but tonight I finally accepted, it is what it is.  Things happen that shouldn't have, but they did none the less.  There's nothing I can do to change any of them.  Each one has lead me to where I am today, to the person I am today.  I don't believe any of it was a mistake.

The last thing he talked about in his message tonight was how we all just need to find our approval in God.  I didn't understand that at first.  It wasn't until he was saying the closing prayer that it hit.  We all need a father to pull us in close and let us know we're doing a good job.  My eyes filled with tears instantly.  God love him, but I don't think I've ever pleased my earthly father.  I have always felt like such a disappointment to him, and for once I would just like to know that I'm doing something right. But as for my heavenly Father, I can finally see that I am on the right track.  I'm not perfect.  I never will be, but my efforts and choices are by His grace and with His approval.

 Sometimes we don't need deep words of wisdom to enlighten our lives.  Tonight, it was simple sermon that made me change my entire outlook.  If only we all just stopped comparing ourselves to others and in any situation.  Stop worrying about the neighbors lawn,  your best friends car, your cousins perfect kids, or your bosses bank account.  We may not be where we need to be, but as long as we're on the right track is all that matters.  

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