I have said for so long that procreation should require an aptitude test. It's true. My God it's true. Some people just aren't cut out to take care of tiny humans. I understand that the world has changed, but people have also lost the ability to be responsible. When on this earth did it become the norm to give children a say in how they are raised? Think about that for a minute....
When we were kids, do you remember your parents ever asking you who you wanted to keep you during the summer? Which camp you went to? What would you like for dinner? I don't. We didn't get a say. We didn't have options for sitters. It was this is who's keeping you, and that's it. Eat it or starve. Fat camp for you!! Bed time wasn't optional.
These days everyone has their opinion, and kids have figured out how to manipulate adults. They realized that broken homes come with a weak link. They discover very quickly who will fold, and they will call your bluff every single time. But I digress. That wasn't the point of this post.
The point was that I've been witnessing a family let their child rule, and it kills me. I hear this kid talk about how their parents go to bed, but if they're good they get to stay up and watch movies. They didn't feel like taking a bath this week, so they just didn't. They wanted a certain meal so momma dropped all and went out for it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!????
Now let me clarify. There are nights when my kids will watch a movie to go to sleep. These are special occasions, and they do not under any circumstances roam the house. There are times when I make a special meal upon request, but I will be damned if I'm going to drop what I'm doing to go pick up chicken nuggets, because my toddler is pitching a fit. You'll eat when you get hungry! And for a kid to tell me I don't drink water. I want a coke. Well you know what? I want alot of things in this life, but I don't get them all. Hell, I want a beach house on a private island and my own personal yahct, but it hasn't happened yet. And for a kid to threaten me? Oh that's not gonna happen, but I hear these kids tell their parents If you don't do this, I'm not doing this.... That's not how that works!
Smarten up people! These kids are the future, and you're teaching them that the world revolves around them. That's going to be one heck of a reality check when life kicks them in the keester the first time. I promise, that first step off the high horse, is gonna hurt. The world will do you no favors. Life is not free, and society doesn't cater to them.
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