We all read the stories about exes who get along for the sake of the kids. Up until tonight we were just not that family, but tonight we hit a milestone. We attended the same event. We sat at the same table. We shared a folder and exchanged the papers so that we each got to read the information. Nothing negative was shared. No ugliness peeking thru. I'll admit I had my reservations. I'm certain my distrust was obvious. I was quiet and wondered nonstop what I had missed. What was going on? Why were you being nice? And then I concluded, because they don't need to see it. These innocent teachers and parents weren't part of this.
I have no idea what has been shared about me. I often wonder, but I can't focus on that. Tonight we were the blended family we have always supposed to be. For that, I can't be anything but thankful. I truly believe if our children had been present, they would've been proud. It would've been easy for them to shift between us and not feel conflicted.
I heard you pause when you introduced me as "mom." I was grateful none the less, and I'm certain I was the only one who noticed. I stayed a little after the rest of the parents to ask if I could purchase an additional yearbook, but I did not explain why. I did not want to draw attention to our situation, but merely have a copy to enjoy.
I've come to see the other side of parenting. The step side. It isn't always easy. There's an enormous amount of shoveling that goes into it. I appreciate the part you play in those tiny humans lives. While I don't agree with many things that have come to be, I haven't lost hope that we can level out. Somehow, I still believe we can all get along and perform our portions with as little impact on the kids as possible. It is possible. This evening was proof of that.
I already said I knew you were faking. I know you don't like me. You know that is mutual, but we are capable of being civil. We most definitely can put our differences aside and love our babies to the fullest. We aren't family, but we are their family, and we can give them that normalcy. Thank you, for being civil. Thank you for not causing a scene, for making me feel a part of things again, and mostly for giving me hope for our future. So in the future, may we fake it till we make it.